Thursday, November 25, 2010

What is a Pit?

A pit is a large dark hole in the ground that is normally deep and not easy to get out of.  Because it is just dug from the earth you cannot just walk out of it as you wish.  If you fall into a pit and there is no one around to see you go in then you could die there. In other words, a pit can be a dangerous place. In today's society pits are not so common except probably rural areas where farmers still use them as a source of storing water for their livestock. 
A pit experience is thus horrible because your efforts to come out can result in you digging yourself deeper in. The mud in the pit can cause a landslide and bury you within. You get the picture!!

So how does this relate to my life.  Here it goes.  One day I woke up and found myself in a deep dark place, helpless and unable to get out to a place of relief.  In my mind I could not move. I felt as if life had stopped, and I was a total failure to God. I had no desire to do anything and the darkness even though frightening was also comforting. Nothing I did could shake what I was feeling.  I tried to pray and failed at that too.  I have never felt so alone.   Now as a minister of God's word I thought I should be able to just quickly beat this.  I started to speak a few words of rebuke but they sounded so shallow., as if I did not even believe them myself and the devils were just laughing at my attempt.

How did I get to this low place? How could I get out? Would anyone hear me and help me?  These questions kept going through my mind. Whew!!!  This is a horrible place to be in for a child of God.

Don't turn a deaf ear when I call you, God. If all I get from you is deafening silence, I'd be better off in the Black Hole. Psalm 28:1 (MSG).

See you tommorow.

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