Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The beginning...

I thank God daily for people He has placed in my life that constantly pray for me.  When I too weak to do this on my own, there is always someone mentioning my name.  I know this for a fact, not only because people occasionally tells me "I am praying for you" but because I see the results of their prayers in my life.

So the pit experience is awful and my energy is drained. I no longer have a vision or enthusiasm for anything. INDIFFERENCE - because my closest friend.  Not good at all, because indifference is one of those "weights" that Paul talks about in scripture that can easily beset you.   The good thing about this time in my life however is that I have a lot of thinking time.  There is no one to talk to - except God - and since there is not much you can do in terms of productivity then you have a lot of time on your hands. This is where the rubber hits the road and you will know if all the preaching, singing and dancing were in vain.  Do you really have faith or were you just following the crowd? Is God really real or is He just a hyped figment meant to brainwash you?  Questions like these comes rushing in when you are in a pit and you will question every truth you have ever believed.

I have often heard the statement that you cannot truly discover who you are until you know who God is. It is one of those things you hear preachers speak that sounds good and it is easy to adapt but few take the time to understand its meaning. Well, it was while I was in the pit that the truth of this statement came rushing in. Because I had a hard time understanding why God would allow me to be in the pit in the first place. As far as I knew, I was walking according to His Will and doing what He commanded me to do. So why the pit?

So here is where my journey actually began... because I discovered that God wanted me to know Him.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Charmain congratulations!! I am positively sure that the mass media will be blessed by your shared talent, inspiration, and journey experiences. Subsequently, helping many psycologically and physiologically to overcome what was their impossible "journey" or tasks if you will. May you continue to be successful in all your endeavours. God Bless you and yours.



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